has been said about abundance. But do we really understand how the flow of it
fully embrace the concept of abundance, you must first understand the universal
law of the circle, for it is vital part of prosperity. It is about the ebb and
flow of life, and how that relates to us. You see in order for a continual flow
of God's abundance to us, there must be a balance of this ebb and flow of our
gift of Life. If for example we take or receive more life-force than we give
out, or vice versa, than an imbalance will occur causing the flow to be blocked.
We must
balance the gift of Life that we receive everyday from God, by giving something
back in return. But, what does that look like? What must we give back? It has
to be something that adds to the light of the world, something, anything that
improves the quality of Life on earth adds to the Light of the world! Now, if
for you abundance means money, well that's a little different. You see, since
money is currently used as a means of exchange, we need to increase our flow of
it. That's the Law of the Circle again. What you send out in the form of energy
expands and returns to you. Money is energy after all and so it needs to go out
from a place of love, with the intention of it doing good works, like charities,
organizations, schools, spiritual groups or causes (you get the idea), basically
giving back to God an amount that is in addition to what is spent to sustain you.
It of course must be given freely, and with no strings attached. We can however
expect that our donation will go out and bless all life, and that God's
abundance will expand our money tenfold on its return to us!
once we give our money away freely, the next step is to consciously affirm the
return of our money, which is the step most have forgotten over the eons of
incarnations. We have gotten so accustom to just buying what we need, and
hoarding the rest for a rainy day, that we always had one! Which is where the
block comes in. We can affirm the return simply by saying with deep feeling,
"with this donation or gift, I AM giving ___ back to God in love and appreciation
for my gift of life. With the highest good of all concerned, I AM gratefully
receiving ___ from the flow of God's
abundance on the return current, and so it is." Now we must consciously
expect to receive an increase in money. Don't limit the universe by being so
specific on how that money should come to you, just allow (another Universal
Law) it to flow as it may. Giving thanks for all!
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