To live your
humanness is to experience duality - both joy and suffering. To live from your
heart is to enter the domain of peace and loving-kindness and the timeless
reality of transcendent being. As you expand in consciousness you will begin to
move and create from your heart space for it is there that you'll find true peace,
harmony, love and unity.
When the heart leads, you are
tapping into a magnetic field 5,000 times larger and 60 times the amplitude of
the brain. You
are tapping into a “heart brain” capable of perception beyond what the brain
“knows” or has memorized. From the heart, you are making the unseen primary
regardless of how the physical world may appear. You are moving from a focus on
solving problems to actually creating a new reality and infinite possibility.
How do you
live and think from the heart? The first and most important step is not to get
there from your head. Activating and empowering your heart’s center begins with
acknowledging that there is a brain and an emotional center that resides there.
The complex,
self-organized system of the heart maintains a continuous two-way dialogue with
the brain and the rest of the body. When you put your focus on developing the
coherence you have there, you are training your brain according to your heart.
And here, you amplify your ability to change your reality, shift the direction
of your life, and experience quantum creations.
From the
space of your heart your creations serve you on your inner path to wisdom and
You will
have become an expanded version of your current self, filled with more wisdom,
more love and more inner power. The time it takes to fulfill your goals is the
time it takes to change your consciousness in such a way that your desired
reality may enter your actual reality. So if you want to speed up things, focus
on you and not so much on reality.
Your true ability to create is not based on will power and determination
but rather on an open heart. Creating from the heart is more powerful and requires less effort than
creating from the ego. You do not have to bother about the details; you just
need to be open to all there is, both inside and outside!
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